Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Mandale Mill

One of our key values at Mandale Mill Primary is Inclusion. We strive to provide a nurturing, inclusive and supportive environment where all children achieve their best.

Children have the right to a quality education (Article 28) that enables them to develop their personal, social and intellectual potential.  We aim for excellence for all and understand that our broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum should continually evolve to meet the needs of all learners equally.

Occasionally, children experience difficulties with learning or struggle with aspects of their general progress and development.  These children may have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Difficulties which may affect: Communication and Interaction Difficulties; Cognition and Learning Difficulties; Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties; Sensory/and or Physical Needs.

Mrs Fields is our Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo).

Key Documentation for SEND

The school’s complaints policy should be used for any complaints relating to SEND.