Page 8 - Mandale Mill Prospectus 2017-2018
P. 8

our breakfast provision to more children – what better way to ensure your child is on time for school every

        You can either sign your child up for breakfast and activities for 30p per day (payable weekly on a Monday
        morning) or simply sign up for the activities at no additional cost. Morning Club will start at 8:30am and
        dependent on demand we will run breakfast in sittings. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer this as a
        drop-in club as we need to order food and plan staff ratios.

        “The curriculum has a  strong focus on developing basic skills in  reading, writing  and mathematics and
        children practise these skills throughout the week” Ofsted 2013

        Our school has clear values and expectations about how we teach children and how they learn.  The key
        principle is to prepare our children for a lifelong love of learning, hence our school mission statement –
        Mandale Mill, Making an Impact on Lifelong Learning.

        Whatever stage of learning your child is at, and whatever age they are,
        we aim to provide an enriched curriculum which stimulates all learning
        styles and encourages resilience, independent thinking and learning.

        Children  are  taught through a themed approach taken from the
        Cornerstones curriculum. Each theme engages  the children and offers
        exciting and stimulating contexts for their learning and opportunities for
        parental involvement.

        Educational Visits
        As part of our curriculum, we incorporate educational visits to provide a stimulus for many areas, bringing
        subjects to life for the children and helping the children to develop. Consent for local visits is part of our
        admission pack.

        We do usually ask for a voluntary contribution to help pay for these visits but the kind support of our PTA
        means that we can often subsidise visits. If spending money is allowed for a visit, the child’s class teacher
        will notify you about the maximium amount that can be taken.  Any money taken by children out of school
        is their responsibility.  Staff will also advise parents about appropriate clothing for an educational visit.

        Children whose behaviour is unacceptable in school may be refused permission to take part in visits if
        members of staff consider their behaviour poses a risk to the group or the individual pupil.  These decisions
        are always difficult to make and parents will always be informed.

        Extra Curricular Activities
        There are a number of clubs available for children to access outside of
        school hours.  Examples  include  Cross Country,  Football,  Maths,  Eco,
        Performing Arts  and  Climbing Frame Club.   As a school,  we regularly
        monitor children's requests for specific clubs and aim to accommodate as
        many as possible throughout the year.

        Article 31: Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide
        range of cultural and artistic activities.
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