Page 4 - Mandale Mill Prospectus 2017-2018
P. 4

Other Staff 2017-2018

        Senior Administrator                Miss J  McCartney
        Administrator                        Mrs A Kerr

        Parent Support Advisor              Mrs J Costello

        Lunchtime Supervisors               Mrs M Cossins
                                            Miss J Cowan (nursery)
                                            Mrs R Hewitt
                                            Mrs M Towes
                                            Mrs S Kaur
                                            Mrs T Taylor

        Caretaker                           Mr P Moralee

        Cleaners                                  Mrs C Patterson
                                            Mrs S Lynch
                                                  Miss J Cowan
                                            Mrs J Foster

        Cook in Charge                      Mrs L Conley

        School Governing Body

        Mrs Millie Scaife (Chair)           Ms Nichola Storr (Vice chair)      Miss Leanne Moore
        Mrs Janis Williams                  Mr Ed Kirkham                      Mrs Julie Ashton
        Cllr. Mrs Sonia Bailey              Ms Carol Dunn                      Mr Les Middleton
        Mrs Emily Greenhalgh

        Admissions Policy
        The school follows the Local Authority policy to admit all reception aged pupils from 1  September each
        year.  The current policy for admission to Nursery is that a child is eligible for a place after their third
        birthday, provided that there is a place available.  The school offers a limited number of flexible nursery
        places (15 hour week), please ask for more details.  When it is time for children to make the transition from
        Nursery to Reception, we will contact parents with information, children will visit Reception, parents will
        attend a new starter meeting and also have the opportunity to sample a school meal with their child.
        Parents moving into the Thornaby area who wish to consider sending their child to Mandale Mill Primary
        School are asked to contact the school to arrange a visit and appointment with the Headteacher.  Parents
        of children who attend other schools, and who may be considering sending their child to Mandale Mill,
        must discuss this with their child's present Headteacher in the first instance. An official request for transfer
        to another primary school must always be made to Admissions at Stockton Local Authority.
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