Page 6 - Mandale Mill Prospectus 2017-2018
P. 6

  realise our full potential;
              know how to improve;
              lead by example, wherever possible and
              excel.

        School Attendance
        School attendance will continue to be a priority of the school.  Improving attendance is always a focus of
        the school’s work and we ask that parents avoid taking children out of school in term time.
        For good progress,  it is important  that children attend school regularly and punctually. We need your
        support in making sure your child comes to school unless an absence is unavoidable. You can report your
        child's absence by telephoning school and leaving a message on the answerphone.  If we do not hear from
        you,  a member of school staff  will contact you  to find out why  your child is absent.   Where there is
        persistent absence (below 90%), school will make a referral to the Attendance and Exclusion team.  We
        celebrate good attendance with praise and rewards.

        Article 28: Every child has the right to an education.

        Medical Issues
        Children in school are screened for height, weight, vision and hearing; these are developmental checks
        carried out by the the School Nursing Service.  Regular examination for head lice is no longer a function of
        the school nursing service, however, the School Nurse can give advice on headlice. The school will inform
        parents should it become aware of the presence of headlice in a particular class.  Parents of pupils with live
        headlice will be asked to treat their child. It is expected that parents ensure that their child is treated
        promptly before they return to school.

        Article 24- Every child has the right to the best possible health.

        Accidents at School
        First aid will be administered in the event of any accident and the incident will be recorded in an accident
        book.  A slip will be sent home explaining the circumstances of the accident.  If we consider the accident
        requires further medical attention, we will try our best to contact parents or carers.

        For this reason, it is very important that we have an up-to-date contact number.

        If your child requires medicine in school time,  we ask a parent or  carer to  complete  the

        relevant form.  Designated staff will take responsibility for administering prescribed medicines
        only. Contact school if you require any further information.
        If your child has a known allergy, or condition that requires regular or emergency medication,
        please inform school so that we can ensure appropriate storage of medication and arrange for
        any staff training requirements.

        The school  keeps a register of pupils who need asthma inhalers.  It is the responsibility of

        parents or carers to ensure that a functioning blue relief inhaler and spacer (if appropriate) is
        available to be kept in school at all times.
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